Fine Art Photography



Fine Art Photography

Welcome to the Urban Lake Photograph portfolio for FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY. Please click on an image below to open the gallery (galleries open in a new tab).

Fine Art Images

Fine Art Photography is subjective. Everyone has their own definition (this is something I have learnt through the years, no two photographers seem to agree on what Fine Art actually means). For me, it is all about collections of work that share a meaning, or story. The Bird silhouette gallery above is a prime example of this. Although all the images can very easily stand alone (they are, in my humble opinion, stunning), as a collection they work in harmony together, in a much stronger way. They tell a story as a set. if you are wondering the story is that of not needing the feather detail, colours, or much else, to still be able to recognise the species, and see it's beauty and majesty.

Like I said Fine art is subjective.

More to come

As you can see this area of my photographic portfolio is still quite sparse, but rest assured I am currently working on several projects. They are currently "works in progress" and are not, yet, complete enough to be included in these pages (a brief teaser - Nature Reclaims & Capturing my Mental Health - ) so be sure to check back regularly. Or, if you would prefer, you can follow us on social media, or sign up for our, very infrequent, email newsletter, to be kept informed of updates, events, and more.

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